Gyors és kész megoldásokat nyújtunk időhiányban szenvedő anyáknak. Online programok, letölthető digitális anyagok, mesék és játékok mindfulness szellemiségben.
Time. We often don’t have enough. Sometimes we end up not having enough time for things that are really important. Like our child. Especially if we are talking about quality time. Many believe that quality time means always offering our child something new, something more meaningful, so they run from event to event, from adventure…
The cute title is of a particularly useful and important book written by a Dutch author, and it has been helping children and their parents since 2010.
The title could be a reference to the iconic Hungarian young adult film “Hahó, a tenger!” (“Hello, Sea!”) from 1973 that has been adored by generations of children whose jaws drop as they watch “Hello little brother – Krisztián Kovács” travel all the way to the sea in his imagination when he learns that he…
Abracadabra, Sim Sala Bim, child, be good! – oh, how easy it would be to say just this and magically have a behaving and cooperative child. Unfortunately, we weren’t born wizards. Nor are we animal trainers, but sometimes it actually feels like our days are spent trying to convince uncontrollable little creatures to be amenable.
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